Machha Khola to Jagat in 30 degree celcius

We passed by expedition porters as the valley became steeper on both sides. The side walls towered above us. It was easy to see the danger of landslides occurring here ....

I awoke at 5am to do yoga under a full moon together with fellow trekkers Kas, Tessa, Jack and Rosie beside the river. Once breakfast was consumed and bags were packed, we encounted locals already engaged with the day.

Elderly man bringing foliage either for his goats, cows or buffulo.

The previous evening we were warned about the landslides further up the valley. Several trekking groups were returning citing that it was too dangerous to continue, and that further up at the Lake pass, a Sherpa had been swept to his death. Seven people had also died at Manaslu Basecamp. Cautiously, we decided to continue up the valley and see if the conditions and weather would improve to our favor.

A perfect morning greeted us as we made our way north to Jagat.
The sound of the swirling water from the river Budhigandaki was our constant companion.

We passed by expedition porters as the valley became steeper on both sides. The side walls began to tower above us. It was easy to see how the dangers of landslides existed in places like this.

Prakash making his way over a landslide. You felt very exposed and vulnerable at these places
Try carrying 30kg on your head as you negotiate yourself over a landslide in sandals. I dare you!
Shortly after I decided to join in and kick a few goals!

Here we negotiated through overflowing waterfalls which one wondered if there would be a rock or tree coming down on top of us as we walked by.

Men jack hammering rocks
Back breaking work of jack hammering rocks after a landslide. These men worked tirelessly under extremely tough conditions to keep the path open for trekkers. We trekkers owe these guys so much!

We arrived at Jagat after a nine hour walk. I had witnessed the severity of the nature and wondered if I had been a local, would I have viewed this place with the same awe as I did as a tourist, or would I have despised the place due to the challenges that came with it?

Tomorrow we were told the worst of the landslides were to come.

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Katy Appleton


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My Spiritual Journey

On this road I will be meeting people of all backgrounds and beliefs where I will ask them what is The Meaning of Life?

Ladies in red


The land of Gods and Gurus


The land of Mystics and Mountains